Peanut Butter Cup

Last week we got a package from danielle’s mom. She was sending us some class room essentials, stickers, candy, that kind of thing. Danielle got the bag at work, and for the most part I knew what was coming in it. Not specifics but general ideas. However, I learned a lesson about how you may not realize what you are missing.

I like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, in fact I would even venture to say that they are my favorite candy. I wouldn’t have said this was a particularly important fact. You see, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. I probably have a peanut butter cup on the order of once a month. Granted I had not had them since coming to Japan. This was not even something that crossed my mind.

However, when danielle came home and was unloading her bag something came over me the second I saw the bag of mini cups. I could not get to them fast enough, (it can be hard to get up when you are on the floor.) So, quite literally, I crawled toward the bag, I was hyperventilating, and I would be lying if i said there were not a few tears. Fortunately danielle took mercy on my and brought them to me a bit more quickly, if with some mockery.

So, the lesson here is, that I seem to have no idea what I am missing in many cases. Could be anything from home I suppose. Good work “mom”.

Posted on Monday, December 3rd, 2007 at 7:07 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Peanut Butter Cup”

  1. NEJ Carlson says:

    Chocolate and peanut butter is the most perfect union in all of Candy-dom.

    Some might think chocolate and mint is the most perfect, but those people would be wrong.

  2. aaron says:

    I could not agree with you more.

    Stupid chocolate-mint people. What is their problem anyway…


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