Engrish Tuesday

More signs from the train station

When we were in Tokyo we found this sign in a train station. This series of signs still gives me no end of amusement. (Although few of them can compete with the cowboy sign). Some of these I have posted before, but there were also some new treats. I was especially amused by the backpack one. You see some crazy gaijin with enormous backpacks that are not too far off from the size of the one pictured. Right, Ben?

Posted on Tuesday, November 20th, 2007 at 10:41 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Engrish Tuesday”

  1. Christina says:

    have you seen the one that says blowing smoke at people is almost as rude as farting? or something to that effect…

  2. Ben-san says:

    I finally find a way to bulk up and now I can’t fit on the subways!

  3. Mara says:

    So I get why you should not put them in the public toilet, but why can’t you put cigarettes into the ‘stand ashtray’ ?
    And why is it OK for smokers to shoot fire at non-suspecting bystanders?

    I give up! I’ll just never be able to smoke in Japan!

  4. aaron says:

    It is probably for the best that you don’t smoke here… or anywhere for that matter…

    However, I think the concern with the stand ashtray is that is will catch on fire. You should extinguish the cigarette first!
    Also, while you can shoot fire at unsuspecting bystanders, the sign is trying to tell you it is frowned upon… unless you can make it fly around the room hitting multiple people in succesion… then its cool.

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