Bulletin Board

On Friday, last week, I finished the last of my self introduction lessons. I made it through all 17 lessons and I am glad to be done, although equally glad to have started interacting with my students.

One part of my lesson involved them writing questions for me. Things that they were still interested in and wanted to know after I had introduced myself. As they worked in partners on this assignment, I was able to walk around the room and talk to the students. I would stop and answer one of the questions that they wrote for me, and take time to ask them a question back.

I am proud to say that in each class period I made the effort to engage each student in a brief conversation with me, at least once. I think this effort has made a huge impact upon the students, as many of them now come up to me and speak to me. I think I was able to make myself seem more approachable.

Many of the questions they wrote to me were quite good. Some of them were quite funny. Here are just a few:

  • Do you have any children? (I think this one is funny because I included many pictures of family on the projector. I talked about my parents and sister, in-laws and husband. Don’t you suppose that I would have mentioned my KIDS if I had them??
  • How long did it take from your first encounter to the wedding? (The girls were exceedingly interested in my husband and my relationship with him. I would say that about 50% of the questions I received from the girls were about him.)
  • We think that changing the color of the Chicago River is not good for the environment. Why do they change the color? (One of my slides had a picture of Aaron and I on St.Patrick’s Day by the green river. As it turned out this was the only picture I had of the Chicago River and I wanted to include it because Gifu is very proud of the Nagara River, I thought it would be a similarity. The students were so interested in the green river. It took me a LONG time to explain why it was green, the explanation ended up involving a lot of gestures.)

    More than anything I wanted to create a space where I could answer the questions they had. I talked with my supervisor about it and she was able to clear a bulletin board space in a main corridor for me.

    On Tuesday and Wednesday I set about filling the board. Every couple of weeks I will be posting a few more questions and answers that came from the students. The board will give them a chance to learn more about me, and my country, but it will also give them an opportunity to see and read English print in their environment.

    Bulletin Board

    Who are you?

    When is your birthday?

    What is your foot size?

    There is a box on the bulletin board where students can add additional questions. I have only received one thing in my box so far. It was a piece of candy with a small scrap of paper that said, “secret admire.” I wonder who it is. . .

  • Posted on Thursday, September 20th, 2007 at 10:39 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

    8 Responses to “Bulletin Board”

    1. N. Carlson...wait, too obvious: Nathan C. says:

      Can I submit some questions?
      1. When was first time kiss husband?

      2. Does husband cook?

      3. How tall is husband?

      4. What is favorite candy?

      5. Do you have any children?

      6. Are you cuttlefish coin?

    2. danielle says:

      Of course you can submit questions.

      1. First time kiss husband was after he ate all the homemade macaroni and cheese I made him for.

      2. Husband no cook. Husband do dishes (usually).

      3. Husband is 185 centimeters.

      4. Favorite candy is Rum and Vanilla Fran.

      5. NOOOO!! I do not have any children.

      6. I am not cuttlefish coin. But I wish I was.

    3. Jill-san says:

      Oh, fun game! Can I play?

      1. Do you like Japan?

      2. What is favorite Japanese food?

      3. Why Americans fat?

      4. What is favorite drink?

      5. Do you have any children?

      6. Why do you wish you were cuttlefish coin?

    4. Your "Mom" says:

      I just have one question.

      1) What is a cuttlefish coin?

    5. danielle says:

      Cuttlefish are marine animals that include animals such as octopus and squid. As far as we understand, a cuttlefish coin is a slice of the tentacle of these animals. It makes a small, round shape. But really, that is just a guess.

    6. danielle says:

      Thanks for playing Jill-san.

      1. Yes, I like Japan. Somethings are still quite frustrating, but I really really like it. In fact, I am already able to see many things that I like better here and things that I will miss when I leave someday.

      2. Favorite Japanese food is sushi!! Can’t wait to take you and Ben to kaiten sushi (conveyor belt), no worries, we can find you things that aren’t raw, but I really think you should try some raw.

      3. Several reasons why Americans are fat. The biggest one. . . .HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup).

      4. Favorite drink in Japan is aquarius, or maybe banana soymilk.

      5. NOOOOOO!!! I don’t have any children. 🙂 And, with all this pressure, maybe I never will! (Yikes, I might get flamed for that one)

      6. I don’t know why I wish I were a cuttlefish coin. Just seemed like a good thing to say.

    7. Jill-san says:

      Oops. Sorry….I know the pressure. I hate the pressure.

    8. Joyce says:

      Will you be able to find shoes that fit in a Japanese shoe store?

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