Neglected Blog

Poor, sad, neglected blog. How I have missed you. I have missed writing. I have missed reflecting on our adventures here. I have missed sharing some stories and getting reactions from our friends and family back home. I want to be better but I know better, especially with our trip home tomorrow, than to make any promises.

We will post while we are away. When we can. We even have a little contest planned to help get you all excited about reading our site during our second year here. Should be a good time.

But for now, rather than being all apologetic about not writing (after all, sometimes life happens and that’s okay), I will distract you with a little story from my school.

At the end of class this week, I have been telling my classes that I am going to America for a few weeks and that I won’t be visiting them for awhile. Some of them look at me all glazed over, not really understanding what I am telling them. Some of them look honestly disappointed, after all I have one of the few classes that is active and engaging. And, some of them, vocally express their sadness and displeasure as one student did today.

Mid-announcement, this student stood up and shouted out, “But Danielle, I will miss you. You make me sad!.”

And then, on hearing this confession, another student stood up, pointed at the first and said, in front of the entire class, “You are not a man!”

The whole thing was just so funny and ridiculous that my team-teacher and I couldn’t help but crack up laughing.

Interesting, I fear that I will miss them too. They are my little characters and they always manage to do something that makes me smile during our classes. I sure will miss that.

Posted on Thursday, September 11th, 2008 at 9:02 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Neglected Blog”

  1. Becky says:

    Hi Danielle…I was back in the classroom again for the first time today…gotta love that humour that comes along with teaching EAL…makes things so much more fun! Glad things are going well still!

    (new job=social service worker helping young immigrants and newcomers get adjusted to Canadian work world)

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