Just a Bit of Fun

September 4th, 2008 Posted in Hokkaido, Travel | No Comments »

So, it has been a super busy week (and that’s why I’ve been a bit quiet). The culture festival and sports day were held at my school and, just like last year, we had to work on Saturday last week to make up for all the fun we would have this week. So, I have been working my tail off and am totally glad that today is Thursday and I don’t have to work for the next three days. Finally, some much deserved rest.

Anyways, since I don’t have time to write much today, I thought I would share some photos with you from Hokkaido. Some funny ones.

This character was everywhere in Hokkaido. He seemed to be some sort of mascot, although Aaron and I never quite figured out what the deal was. We saw big posters, little cell phone charms, towels, and just about every other little bit of Japanese paraphernalia with this guy on it. Sadly, we didn’t buy any “Green Bulgy Man” souvenirs. Next time . . .


August 31st, 2008 Posted in Hokkaido, Travel | No Comments »

Our first stop in Hokkaido was Otaru, it was a natural starting place since it was where the ferry dropped us off.

Before arriving we knew that Otaru was famous for two things – glass and a canal. From our inspection, that’s really it. We had two nights to spend there (one full-day in-between) and it ended up being really relaxing. A nice slow place to start our nice slow vacation.

Otaru sort of fancies itself as the “Venice of the East.” But, so far as I can tell, it has very little in common. Sure, it has a canal, one single canal that is no more than a few kilometers in length. It is a pretty canal, it is a fine place to spend and evening strolling, but nothing to warrant the self-given title.

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August 30th, 2008 Posted in Hokkaido, Travel | 1 Comment »

One of the places we spent a couple of nights while in Hokkaido was Asahidake-Onsen. A little chain of hotels and lodges all surrounding the hot springs at the base of Asahidake, the highest peak on Daisetsusan, and the highest point in Hokkaido. Daisetsuzan is a huge volcano, and it is active. Daisetsuzan shares its name with a national park that covers almost the entire system of peaks on top of this giant volcano. We enjoyed walking around the top just under peak of Asahidake. There were lovely little lakes and a bunch of fumaroles. Made it easy to understand where all the hot water was coming for our evening baths.

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