Coldest Assembly Ever

Friday was the last day of school for the students before Winter Vacation. Once classes were over for the day, there was an all school assembly in the Gym.

When I left the warm, heated staff room I glanced at the thermometer in the hallway outside of the room. It was a balmy 8 degrees Celsius (46 degrees Fahrenheit), which meant that that was how warm the gym was going to be. Perhaps even a touch cooler. And we all had to go sit there, for an hour, with NO jackets, hats, or mittens.

I, being a strange foreigner, brought my blanket (all the women at the school have them) with me. We all sat on the floor in the gym (students and teachers) freezing and shivering for an entire hour while three members of the staff made speeches reminding the students that winter break was a time for them to study, to get ahead. One particular quote that really struck me that my supervisor translated for me told the students that this winter vacation and New Years is not a time for celebrating or happiness. That they could celebrate and be happy when they have finished high school and have passed their university entrance exams.

The mood was so different from the last day before Christmas break back home. Students and staff alike are happy and excited, knowing that they all get a chance to relax and refresh before approaching the second semester. Here the mood was so somber and serious, it was a little disorienting. I almost felt guilty about being so excited.

After about 40 minutes of speeches to this effect, the principal took the stage and handed out some awards for various student accomplishments. Even then, the mood was still somber.

Anyways, they can be as somber as they want, I am happy and excited to be on break on vacation. Aaron and I have had two days in a row where we have stayed in our pajamas and watched movies, and I must say it is FANTASTIC!

Posted on Monday, December 24th, 2007 at 12:55 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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