Dreams Do Come True

Long before I came to Japan I had heard about the phenomenon that is conveyor belt sushi. I had heard about it from people I knew that had visited Japan, I had seen it on anime, and I had read about it in manga. Since the first time I had heard about this, I knew I had to go.

This, oddly enough, was one of the main things that I looked forward to about Japan. I loved sushi and raw fish back in the states, and I truly could think of nothing more heavenly than indulging in sushi as it whirs around you on a conveyor. Allowing you to leisurely decide and pick out which sushi you want and to try new varieties.

On the first day we were in Gifu, Aaron’s supervisor took him to Kappa sushi (a conveyor belt sushi restaurant). When we saw each other that afternoon, he confessed that he had gone to conveyor belt sushi without me. I was insanely jealous. So, we made it a priority to go out this weekend.

Kappa sushi lived up to the expectations that I had. The sushi is cheap (good quality, but not fantastic), I had the opportunity to try many different kinds, and it ended up being a lot of fun. Lucky for me, Kappa sushi is only about a five minute bike ride from our house. Benri desu ne (How convenient!).

Here are a few pictures from the adventure. Yes, we were totally the dorky tourists taking photos inside the restaurant. Heck, everyone knows we are tourists just by looking at us so why not live up the part?

Danielle and the Conveyor

Aaron and the Conveyor

All Done!

By the way, with conveyor belt sushi you pay by the number of plates that you have when you are done. After you are finished eating, you push a little button near your table and a member of the staff comes over. They count up the plates at your table and give you a check. Easy peasey!

Posted on Sunday, August 12th, 2007 at 4:53 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Dreams Do Come True”

  1. Rei-san says:

    OOh! I must try that. takai kashira (I wonder if its expensive)…

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