Hiro’s Diner

Hiro’s Sign

A few weeks ago Aaron and I had gone for a little stroll through Nagoya. As we were walking around we found a little diner that had a neon Leinenkugel’s sign in the front window. We were shocked, we were ecstatic, we could barely believe that their was an establishment so close to home that sold the brew we so closely associated with our hometown.

When we found the place, we weren’t quite hungry for dinner yet, so we decided to return once we were done with our shopping.

When we returned to the diner and entered something very strange happened. As soon as we crossed the threshold, it was almost as though we had left Japan and returned home. This is one of those flashback American diners that can still be found throughout the U.S., although in diminishing quantities.


The decor was appropriate to an American-style 50’s diner. The music was spot on with tunes that we could both recognize. And the menu filled with every hamburger and cheeseburger under the sun was promising. Sadly, despite the Leinenkugel’s sign in the front, there was no Leine’s to be had. They did have miller though.

Hiro’s Menu

Hiro’s Menu

After exploring all the options, plane burgers and spam burgers, we made our choices.

I ordered the avocado bacon burger.

Avocado Bacon Burger

Aaron ordered the signature burger, the Hiro Burger.

Hiro Burger

You know it has been a long time since you have had a hamburger when you want to stop and take a photograph before you eat it. But once we did start eating them, we weren’t disappointed. The burgers were good and the toppings were awesome.

Danielle and Burger

Aaron and Burger

Sometimes it just doesn’t get any better than this. So, if you are ever in the Nagoya area and find yourself needing to escape from Japan for a little while, pay a little visit to Hiro. His burger, and restaurant, will more than satisfy.

Posted on Thursday, March 20th, 2008 at 10:07 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Hiro’s Diner”

  1. Nathan EJC says:

    What’s the little dish of corn for? I presume that is something Japanese like to eat with their meals?

    Certainly that’s not what they think Americans eat with their burgers?!?

  2. danielle says:

    No, sadly, the little dish of corn is not something that is typical of a Japanese meal. It is, I would guess, something that they think Americans eat with their burgers. Strangly, they also put corn on top of pizzas.

    Honestly, I have no idea where they get these ideas. It is a strange, strange place.

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