Knee High


Growing up I always remember hearing the phrase, “knee high by the fourth of July,” when we were talking about corn. Well, they must have a different phrase here because it is only the middle of June and the corn is almost ready to harvest.

Just thought you all might be interested . . .

Aaron and Corn

Kind of funny to have Aaron posing with the corn. We all know how much he likes the stuff. . .

Standing Tall

Now, corn that high means one thing. We are in the throes of summer. It is hot, it is humid and we are already getting used to wearing only our “house clothes” come evening. It is a change from the beautiful spring that we had and certainly not a welcome one.

Posted on Thursday, June 19th, 2008 at 5:22 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “Knee High”

  1. Your "Mom" says:

    You know, they put corn in Juice. It is really tasty.

  2. NEJ Carlson says:

    What exactly are your ‘house clothes’?

    Please tell us that house clothes are birthday suits.

  3. danielle says:


    I totally read your comment and DIDN’T GET IT!

    But then I remembered that fateful day in Hiroshima. Aaron will always have an ongoing battle with corn.

  4. danielle says:

    Funny you should ask. I knew there would be somebody who wanted clarification on that.

    Right now, our “house clothes” are not our birthday suits thank-you-very-much. But, then again, it isn’t 40 degrees celsius yet either. . .

  5. Your "Mom" says:

    That is too funny that you did not get it at first. How quickly we forget. Poor Aaron.

  6. Eric says:

    With the weather you have there, you could probably get two crops of corn in one year. For comparison, I could send you a picture of my pathetic foot high Minnesota corn, but a least I have corn this year. Last year the squirrels dug up every corn seed I planted.

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